Second Hour

Since its inception, the watchmaking world has epitomized passion, creativity, and a dedication to mechanical timekeeping. These principles drive Second Hour, an independent Australian watch company founded in early 2019 in Melbourne, a city known for its vibrant creative scene. Second Hour has quickly built a reputation for exceptional timepieces, attentive service, and a trusted voice in the horological community.

Founders Peter and Akira bring diverse skills and experiences to the company. Peter, a former government and corporate contractor, turned to watchmaking midlife. Akira, with a background in the fashion industry, is committed to providing excellent customer service. Together, they reject the trend of disposable consumerism, focusing instead on the timeless art of mechanical engineering, using the finest materials and high-grade movements.

Since 2019, they have carefully curated a collection of watches that reflect their individual histories and passions. They oversee the entire process—from design to manufacturing, assembly, and quality control—ensuring each piece meets their high standards. By working directly with part makers and exploring new materials, Second Hour guarantees quality and uniqueness in every timepiece, earning recognition for their commitment to design, components, and customer care.