Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where do you ship to? 

We ship to customers worldwide except for South Sudan, Syria, Sudan, Russia, Ukraine, Iraq, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Guatemala, North Korea.

Important note about Customs Duties, Taxes and Fees: 

Ordered products may be subject to customs duties, taxes and fees levied by the destination country, which are not included in the price of the products. The purchaser of the shipment will be the importer of record in the destination country and is responsible for all the relevant custom duties, taxes and fees. Luca Collections has no control over these charges and does not assume responsibility for the ordered products meeting local customs laws and/or duties and taxes.

It’s always best to get in touch with your local customs office or government website for advice before ordering. 

In some cases, customs may reject the shipping and return the order back to us. In this case, we will only be able to refund the product purchase cost and not the shipping cost as that is not recoverable from us once an order has been shipped so please ensure that your local country allows delivery of alcohol from Australia.


How long does it take to receive my purchase?

Orders take around 1-2 working days to be processed and shipped out. 

Once shipped, your package should get to you in around 9-18 working days.

What's the return policy?

The return policy varies depending on the watch manufacturer but typically 15-30 days. Please refer to the product description to find the specific return policy.